13 Apr 2014

inkwellimage1The Inkwell Awards, a non-profit organization devoted to educating and promoting the art of inking, invites the public to vote for the industry’s best of the past year. The official public ballot will be available on the Inkwell Awards’ homepage from April 15 through April 30. Voting is open to everyone, whether fans or professional peers. The winners will be announced at the live awards ceremony at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC June 20-22 on Saturday the 21st at 12:30pm. (more…)

04 Apr 2014

The Inkwell Awards, a non-profit organization devoted to the art of inking, will be displaying the long-awaited results of its fourth annual Joe Sinnott Inking Challenge in a series of fund-raising online auctions beginning Saturday, April 5.

Bob Almond, founder and director of The Inkwell Awards (AKA “The Inkwells”), said, “Joe Sinnott is our Hall of Fame namesake and recipient, Special Ambassador, a living legend, and the embodiment of what the art form of inking is really about, with over a half-century career of work to prove it. This inking challenge has become an essential platform for us to both teach and promote the ink arts, while raising much-needed funds for operations.”


16 Mar 2014

Thanks to our Inkwell Awards website maintenance contributor Noël Rosenthal our complete 2014 Nomination Committee (including the Sinnott Hall of Fame internal NomCom) is now listed with all credits and link info on the website.

Their ballots have been tallied by myself and validated by committee member Erick Korpi.  Our public ballots will be officially posted online April 15-30.  This would not be possible without the precious time, effort and dedication of all of the volunteers listed on that page link above.  Thanks to all!

22 Feb 2014

2014 INKWELL AWARDS SCHEDULED CONVENTION TOUR: these are official appearances that myself, the Inkwell Awards and some members/volunteers and our spokesmodel Ms. Inkwell will be attending. This does not count tentative appearances at other venues where a model or volunteer like Stacey Aragon will attend as Ms. Inkwell for fundraising in the midwest…those will be announced at a later date;-) Come see us and show your support for inking and inkers like the generous promoters and staff do at these shows! Please visit their websites as they support charities and give back to the comic book community. Thank you!



MAY 31-JUNE 1: HARTFORD COMIC CON, Ms. Inkwell: Anna White






JUNE 20-22-HEROES COMIC CON, Annual Awards Ceremony, Ms. Inkwells: Laura Beihl & Anna White, and many members and ambassadors





SEPTEMBER 26-28: PITTSBURGH COMICON, Ms. Inkwell: Laura Beihl, and several members in attendance

NOVEMBER 1-2: RHODE ISLAND COMIC CON, Ms. Inkwell: Anna White, and several members in attendance

04 Feb 2014

joe sinnott dvd cover 400

As a generous donation to the Inkwell Awards, Robin Dale of Amdale Media  (with Renee Witterstaetter of Evaink) has offered a dozen signed copies of the CREATOR CHRONICLES PIONEER SERIES: JOE SINNOTT “A GUY NAMED JOE” DVD.  3-4 of these will be reserved for Heroes Con and their Sunday charity auction but the other 8-9 signed DVDs will be auctioned off in March in conjunction with the 4th Joe Sinnott Inking Challenge fundraising auctions (nothing running now but please bookmark this link). The unsigned DVD goes for $29.95 from Amdale.  The Inkwell has not yet determined the auction bid for the signed copies at this time.

Tentative participants this year for the 4th annual Inking Challenge include John Floyd, Keith Williams, Scott Koblish,  Jack Purcell, Gerry Acerno, Kent Archer, Marc Deering, J. E. Lozano, Le Beau Underwood,  Noah Barrett, Neil Vokes, Mark Stegbauer, Tom Schloendorn, Michael W. Kellar,  Mark McKenna, Ken Branch, Tod Allen Smith, Jim Tournas, Travis Miller, Joe Goulart, Charles Barnett III, Mike Pascale,  Johnny B. Gerardy,  Rusty Gilligan, Bob Wiacek, Scott Hanna, Ian Chase Nichols, Dave Beaty,  Dan Parsons, Jaime Mendoza, Cory Hamscher, Diana Greenhalgh,  Anthony L. Fowler,  Robert Doan, Bob Almond,  Jane Straw and  Tim Estiloz.



04 Feb 2014

On behalf of the Inkwell Awards I want to congratulate my friend and former editor Mike Marts for his recent monumental change and promotion resulting in his return to Marvel for the third time, this time as an Executive Editor, as reported at Newsarama this week.  In 2008 Mark (and Adam Hughes) were the first two ambassadors that the Inkwel founding core committee chose for this prestigious position and he generously accepted (Adam did, too;-)).  He had just transferred over to DC  in 2006 as Batman Senior Editor after a stint at Marvel as X-men Senior Editor.  In the face of all of this progress and advancement he has stayed true as a supporter of this non-profit now for five years!  Much continued success now that he has returned HOME where he belongs;-)


09 Jan 2014

(New Bedford, MA/USA—June 17, 2018) The Inkwell Awards released the list of winners of its 11th annual awards for excellence in the art form of comic-book inking. Nominees were again chosen by a separate and independent nomination committee. This year featured the greatest number of nominees, including female inkers in three of the five categories. Voting by professionals and fans took place in April via live ballot at the non-profit advocacy’s website. One winner was chosen in each of five categories based on American interior comic-book work cover-dated 2017.

Separately, the Inkwells selected internally the two recipients of the annual Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame Award and one recipient for the Stacey Aragon Special Recognition Award (SASRA). Winners were contacted and many of the invited guests were present to receive their trophies during North Carolina’s HeroesCon, the host show for the Inkwells. Winners are listed with their nominated credits and the percentage of votes received, where applicable.

FAVORITE INKER: Scott Hanna (29.4%)
(Booster Gold/The Flintstones Special, DC Holiday Special, Justice League Of America, Legion of Super-Heroes/Bugs Bunny Special, Superman, Trinity [DC]; All-New Wolverine, Black Panther, Black Panther & The Crew, Great Lakes Avengers, Ultimates 2, X-men Blue [Marvel]).
Other nominees: Bill Sienkiewicz, Jonathan Glapion, John Dell, Mick Gray, John Floyd, Dan Green, Seth Mann.

MOST-ADAPTABLE INKER: Scott Hanna (30.9%)

(See above credits.) Other nominees: Walden Wong, Mark Morales, Jonathan Glapion, Dexter Vines, Jay Leisten.

PROPS AWARD (inker deserving of more attention): Joe Prado (37.8%)
(Justice League Of America: Rebirth, Green Lanterns, Superman [DC]).

Other nominees: Tony Kordos, Marc Deering, Michelle Delecki, Daniel Henriques, Jason Paz.

S.P.A.M.I. (Small Press and Mainstream Independent): Sal Buscema (25.1%) (ROM [IDW]).
Other nominees: Mark Morales, Stefano Gaudiano, Irene Flores, Rodney Ramos, Ryan Winn, Robin Riggs.

ALL-IN-ONE (pencilling and inking together): Liam Sharp (18.46%)

(Justice League, Wonder Woman [DC]).
Other nominees: Dan Panosian, David Marquez Stan Sakai, Joelle Jones, Terry Moore, Mitch Gerads, Mico Suayan.


Other nominees: John Byrne and Jim Sanders III.


Other nominees: Dan Adkins, John Beatty, Mike Esposito, Mark Farmer, Al Gordon, Bob Layton, Pablo Marcos, Frank McLaughlin and Bernie Wrightson.

“I was thrilled to hear that two very fine inkers were selected for induction into the Inkwell Awards Hall of Fame for 2018,” said Joe Sinnott, the award’s namesake and first recipient. “Both Joe and Bob have previous ties to the Inkwells, Bob being the keynote speaker at their awards ceremony at HeroesCon in 2012, and Joe being the Guest of Honor at the 2017 ceremony. It is with great pride that we honor these two excellent ink artists into the Inkwell Awards family as 2018 recipients of the Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame Award. Congratulations, fellas, on jobs, and careers, well done!”

The live awards ceremony began with a special appearance by guest of honor and industry legend Mike Royer, who discussed the art form of comic-book inking, his career in the medium, and its artists. Inkwell Awards founder and director Bob Almond acted as ceremony host. He was joined by hostess and spokesmodel “Ms. Inkwell,” as portrayed by both Hailey Skaza-Gagne and 2011 spokesmodel Kathy Denise Taylor. Artist and Inkwell Contributor Dan Panosian presented the five main awards. Artist and Inkwell Ambassador Pat Broderick presented the Hall of Fame and SASRA awards.

In celebration of the non-profit’s 10th anniversary, Almond created the Above & Beyond Award for those organization members who have performed exceptionally (or others in the community who have made special efforts to advance the art form of inking). These went to:

Hailey Skaza-Gagne, the longest-running Ms. Inkwell spokesmodel, who has appeared at four straight Heroes conventions and attended 21 consecutive events, raised thousands of dollars in fundraising, all the while expanding her duties to include public speaking and moderating panels.

Robert Haines, the first person to serve on the nomination committee for 10 consecutive years since it began.

Mark Sinnott, who has been a Senior Inkwell Contributor for a decade, acting as the liaison between the Inkwells and his father, Joe. “Without Mark’s generosity and diligence,” Almond said, “there would certainly not be nearly as many achievements nor funds raised for the organization–successes which allowed us to reach 10 years of operations and altruism.”

Almond also awarded “Silver Inkwells” to three nomination committee members who participated in five years of service: Matt Herring, Tony Parker and Rik Offenberger.

Thanks to the following people for their generous cooperation: Stephen Wyatt, Jeffrey Harnett and Pat McGrealy.

Full acceptance statements from the winners can be found in the “Results” section of the Inkwell Awards’ website.

12 Nov 2013

Following two recent reports on the fate of inker Jim Sanders III, the Inkwell Awards can now announce that the first of the fundraising auctions for Jim are up with Wave One starting Saturday the 9th. A second wave will tentatively take place on the 16th as auctioneer Michael W. Kellar anticipates receiving late donations from a couple of artists.

All funds raised will go directly to assist artist Jim Sanders III.