08 May 2024

May 3, 2024: The Kubert School Academic Supervisor & Instructor Fernando Ruiz communicated with Inkwell Awards director Bob Almond regarding the recipient of the Inkwell Awards’ 15th scholarship award recipient of the Dave Simons Inkwell Memorial Scholarship Fund by 2nd year remote student David Sampson. Besides Ruiz, staff and guests in attendance included School owner & President Anthony Marques and Mike Zapcic of Kevin Smith’s comic shop, Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash (and The Comic Book Men). The store sponsored a scholarship this year and he was there to present it.

The Inkwells committee team were touched that immediately after receiving the report and pic files from Fernando, David emailed them to give thanks for the finances. Bob had no recollection of anyone personally/directly doing that before. When contacted, David’s sister Bette Simons shared the following from her annual statement: “Congratulations to David Sampson, recipient of The 2024 Dave Simons Inkwell Memorial Scholarship! It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since Dave passed. I am grateful for Inkwell, all of the staff, the committee and contributors for continuing to support the amazing talent attending the Joe Kubert School and honoring Dave. Dave had amazing talent and was so incredibly humble. He lived his life for his passion and never gave up. Even when times were tough, Dave would find a way to push through. I never heard a complaint, ever. He was immensely generous with his time and shared whatever he had without giving a second thought about it. He never asked for anything in return. He is missed by so many but with this scholarship, Inkwell continues to bring his name and talent into a fresh, new light. I wish nothing but success and happiness for David as he develops his own creative style. Congratulations!!” Bette Simons Rock

Bob stated: “The Inkwell Awards core committee wishes David Sampson the best regards for his senior yea
r and future prospects. School graduates have had a consistent record of breaking into the sequential art world as professionals and we have heard from several of them. Knowing that we have in any way helped some new, aspiring artists reach their dreams & goals is sincerely and infinitely rewarding to us.”