06 Mar 2012

Guest column by ink artist Phyllis Novin

Phyllis Novin here. A quick word of thanks to Bob for letting me shamelessly plug my inking class at MoCCA NYC on his nifty website.

I’m teaching four, 2 hour classes on inking 3/28, 4/4, 4/18 & 4/25.

This is a hands-on inking course designed for those new to comic book inking as well as for those who want to expand their basic inking skills.  While primarily brush-orientated, you will also be working with crow quill pens and other tools both rational and irrational.  You will not only learn inking techniques but get an understanding of the basic framework behind inking.  You will know what you need to do on a page and why.

Here’s a very brief overview of the course.

• What is inking?
• Why is inking?
• The basic structures behind the inked panel/page.
• Defining terms
• Tools & care and feeding of same
• Homework: exercises and a test panel, supplies
• A choice of pages to ink for and in class

• A mix of hands on technique, technical information and in class inking.

DAY 3 & DAY 4
• Checking homework and more in class inking
• Teach: Special Effects and tools
• Tips on selling yourself

I believe one of the reasons inking is less valued in today’s world of comic art is because people no longer understand the nuances and technical expertise behind it.  It is partially an effort on my part to help pass on the “thinking behind the inking”.  The hope is to set your work apart from someone who thinks the purpose of inking is simply to facilitate the printing process. It is always to your advantage to build skill upon knowledge.

For further information on the class please go to www.moccany.org/content/education

Phyllis Novin has been an inker in comics since 1993 where she was trained by Bob Layton at Valiant Comics.  She began working at DC in 95.  Other companies include Marvel, Chaos, Crusade, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network.

She has inked Futurama and The Simpsons for Bongo Comics since 2001 and is still working on The Simpsons and other Bongo titles.

A full Resume can be found on www.phyllisnovin.daportfolio.com along with Animation & additional artwork.

TM and (c) 2012 the respective owners

‘Inkblots’ logo by Rik Offenberger of First Comics News

The Inkwell Awards does not necessarily endorse any program promoted in this column and website.  This article is for informative purposes.